Live longer & healthier with one simple test

Experience the transformative power of personalised healthcare.
Our flagship health assessment has 67 biomarkers to assess your risk for cancers, critical illnesses and early aging.
Good Supplement Practice
Measuring your baseline before supplementing, keeps it safe and effective, to make sure that you are giving what your body needs and prevent overdosing.
Our assessment includes tailored nutrient recommendations catered to your test results, diet restrictions, allergens and lifestyles. You are what you what you eat after all.
Movement is medicine. Receive tailored feedback on your workout routine based on your cardiovascular health, metabolism & overall wellbeing, to maximise your output.
Advanced screenings such as DEXA, Bone Mineral Density and Gut Microbiome, are available at member-exclusive rates.

How it works

mitohealth offers

Fast-tracked Registration

Sign-up and check out in under 10 minutes. We'll ask questions about your family health history, goals and lifestyle to personalise your assessment.
convenient and fast screening in mitohealth

Convenient and Fast Screening

Schedule a screening with us either at Trapeze Rec. Club in Tanjong Pagar or in the comfort of your home for your convenience.
dr. ryan ware of mitohealth

Longevity-focused Health Insights

Receive a comprehensive health plan covering insights from your blood test and recommendations based on the latest longevity science.
Take Action,Track Progress

Take Action,
Track Progress

Apply our recommended health plan, opt for optional re-test for progress, and explore additional add-on tests for deeper insights in your health.

Mito Longevity
Health Screening


Holistic full body health checkup of 67 advanced biomarkers,
for hundreds of health risks & key illnesses in 1 simple test.
Book Appointment
Full health checkup includes:
67 Biomarkers: Comprehensive diagnostic for hundreds of health risks and illnesses in one assessment.
Measure & optimise your baseline: Access your results and actionable insights on our dashboard from anywhere.
Tailored Health Solutions: Receive personalised recommendations ,based on your test results, for your diet, supplements & fitness regime to elevate your health baseline.
Upgrade your screenings: Add-on advanced tests such as DEXA Scan, Vo2 Max, Tumour Marker panel & more, are available at member-exclusive rates.
Comprehensive Cardiovascular risk evaluation:  With Apolipoprotein B, Lipoprotein(a) and Homocysteine biomarkers.
Evaluate your Iron metabolism: With Iron, TIBC, and Iron Saturation.
Know your body regenerative process: With Vitamin B12 and Folate biomarkers.
See Full Offerings

All Features

Flagship Plan


Number of Biomarkers included

Organ Systems


Biometric Measurement

Height & Weight
Blood Pressure
Body Composition

Health Optimisation Plan


Blood, Stool & Urine analysis

Advanced biomarkers focusing on longevity

Personal health dashboard

Safe digital vault to securely store all past health reports

Mito vs. Other health screenings

Advanced cardiac biomarkers: ApoB, Lp(a)
Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Folate, Iron
Advance Kidney Biomarker - Cystatin-C
Results dashboard
Home-based blood draw
GPs, Hospitals
Cholesterol markers for cardiac health
Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Folate, Iron
Standard Kidney Biomarker - Creatinine
PDF raw data results
In-clinic based blood draw

Upgrade your health with Advanced Screenings

Access our recommended add-on tests at member-exclusive rates

DEXA Body Composition and Skeletal Health Scan

Understand your body composition, visceral fat levels, and bone mineral density


Consultation with Mito Longevity Doctor

Book a 1:1 virtual consultation with our Longevity Doctor, Dr Ryan Ware.


VO2max Testing

VO2max is a measurement of the maximum amount of oxygen your body is able to consume during exertion. This is an accurate measure of your cardiorespiratory fitness, evaluating the efficiency of your lungs, heart, circulation and muscle. This is performed on a treadmill or bike while connected to a machine that analyses the air you breathe in and out.


Comprehensive Allergy Panel

Inclusive of 59 environmental and nutritional allergies (Dust mites, pollen, animals, gluten, milk, eggs, nuts, etc.)


Gut Microbiome Test

Analyse the trillions of microorganisms in your gut, your gut microbiome, to better understand your gut health and how your diet, lifestyle and supplements may interact with the rest of your body


Hormone Panel

Inclusive of Testosterone, Estradiol, SHBG, FSH, LH, Cortisol, DHEA, Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1)


Tumour Marker Screen Panel

Inclusive of Male (AFP, CEA, CA-19.9, EBV, B-HCG) Or Female (AFP, CEA, CA19.9, EBV, CA153)


Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)

This test is used to measure how well your body can process a larger amount of sugar. Glucose and Insulin are tested at 30 min, 60 min, and 90 min.

$139 - $179

Resting Metabolic Rate Analysis

RMR testing is a significantly more accurate way of determining your daily energy / calorie expenditure. Understanding your metabolic rate is useful in determining your caloric needs and requirements to take control of your weight and body composition.


Early Cancer Liquid Biopsy (LucenceINSIGHT™)

Multi-cancer screening with a single blood draw by testing for 12 cancers (Lung, Breast, Colorectal, Prostate, Liver, Nose, Bile Duct, Pancreas), looking at DNA fragments released from cancer cells into the blood.  With 99.0% Specificity.


Early Cancer Liquid Biopsy (LucenceINSIGHT™ PLUS)

Multi-cancer screening with a single blood draw by testing for 50 cancers (Lung, Breast, Colorectal, Prostate, Liver, Nose, Bile Duct, Pancreas, Acute & Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and more), looking at DNA fragments released from cancer cells into the blood.  With 99.0% Specificity.


Our 67 Flagship Biomarkers

Lipoprotein (a)

Flagship Exclusive

Lipoprotein(a) or Lp(a) is particularly dangerous sub-type of atherogenic particle with an additional protein, apolipoprotein(a), attached. Higher levels of Lp(a) have been strongly linked to cardiovascular disease and heart valve disease, even when LDL-cholesterol (traditionally the “bad” cholesterol) is low.

Lp(a) levels are largely genetically determined (80-90%) and are elevated in about 20% of the population. As this is mainly controlled by genes, there is no need at this point for most people to do this test more than once.

Apolipoprotein B (Apo B)

Flagship Exclusive

ApoB is a protein that is found on all the cholesterol-carrying particles in your blood that are responsible for narrowing/blockage of blood vessels (AKA atherogenic). LDL particles are the most common type of these particles, others include VLDL, IDL and Lp(a).

ApoB testing measures the number of all atherogenic particles while LDL-cholesterol testing measures the amount of cholesterol inside only the LDL particles, which has been shown to be a more consistent predictor of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol

Flagship Exclusive

LDL-cholesterol tests measure the amount of cholesterol carried inside our LDL particles that transport cholesterol and fatty acids around our body. It is used in existing risk prediction guidelines for heart attack and stroke.

However, studies suggest that this reading should be interpreted together with Apolipoprotein B levels (particle number) to get a full picture of one’s risk of cardiovascular disease.


Flagship Exclusive

Triglycerides (TG) are the most common type of fat in our body, serving as the main store of excess energy. This test measures the amount of TG being transported around your body in the blood (not the amount in fat stores) within particles called lipoproteins. The ratio of triglycerides to HDL is a measure of risk for heart disease and metabolic disorders, and at very high levels TG can cause immediate problems like pancreatic damage.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol

Flagship Exclusive

High-density lipoproteins are smaller, denser lipoproteins that serve mainly to transport cholesterol back from the body to the liver for breakdown and removal.

HDL-cholesterol is commonly referred to us “good” cholesterol as studies have observed that individuals with higher levels of HDL have lower incidence of cardiovascular disease. However, having higher levels of HDL does not eliminate or negate the risk associated with high apolipoprotein B or LDL-cholesterol.

Total Cholesterol

Flagship Exclusive

Total cholesterol represents the concentration of cholesterol in all cholesterol-carrying particles in our blood. This includes the cholesterol carried in both atherogenic and non-atherogenic particles. Too much cholesterol in the atherogenic particles can increase the risk of disease, but cholesterol itself is not inherently bad, and is an essential part of every cell in our body.

High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP)

Flagship Exclusive

High sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) is a biomarker of inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation is our body’s natural response to protect itself from injury, infection or harmful substances and is required in appropriate amounts for survival. While short term elevations can be normal, or even beneficial after intense exercise, chronically elevated inflammatory markers are associated with poor cardiovascular health and can be a sign of multiple diseases and ageing.


Flagship Exclusive

Insulin is the main (but not the only) hormone used by your body to regulate glucose levels. Even if your glucose levels are normal, if your paired insulin test levels are higher than expected, this means you are likely insulin resistant - your body needs more insulin to maintain a normal glucose level than a healthy person.

Insulin resistance can often be picked up even before glucose levels increase and is an early biomarker for metabolic problems, even before pre-diabetes develops.


Flagship Exclusive

Homocysteine is an amino-acid produced by our body that is important in many processes. High levels signify problems in metabolic pathways and are associated with multiple diseases including cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, cognitive decline and neurological disorders.


Flagship Exclusive

Glucose is one of the primary fuel sources of our body. Your glucose levels are tightly controlled by your body and if elevated when fasting, show that your body may be having difficulty keeping levels within the normal range. This is seen in pre-diabetics (5.6-6.9mmol/L) and diabetics (>7.0mmol/L). Some degree of fluctuations in response to different types and amount of food, activity and illness are expected, but too much variation is not optimal.

Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c)

Flagship Exclusive

Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) reflects an approximate average of your blood glucose levels over the past 3 months. Glucose in the blood can bind to hemoglobin in our red bloods cells (that survive for about 3 months) and HbA1c measures this concentration of glucose-bound hemoglobin.

Uric Acid

Flagship Exclusive

Uric acid is a waste product of nitrogen-containing purines in the body. High uric acid levels are typically associated with gout, but less well known to many are its associations with high blood pressure, metabolic disorders and cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin B12

Flagship Exclusive

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is an essential vitamin found only in our diet, mainly in animal products, and is required for DNA and fatty acid synthesis as well as nerve health. Optimal B12 levels are required to maintain blood and nerve health.


Flagship Exclusive

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is a essential vitamin required for DNA and RNA synthesis. It is essential for the maturation of red blood cells and is found primarily in green leafy vegetables, fruits, and certain organ meats like liver. Abnormal folate levels can affect blood, cognitive and mental health.


Flagship Exclusive

Magnesium has numerous functions in the human body and is required for more than 300 enzymatic reactions. Having optimal magnesium levels has been shown to have beneficial effects in various health conditions including diabetes, osteoporosis, bronchial asthma, preeclampsia, migraine, and cardiovascular diseases.


Flagship Exclusive

This is a measure of the amount of iron in your blood. Iron is an essential mineral that is a part of hemoglobin, a protein in your red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body as well as numerous other processes in the body.

Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)

Flagship Exclusive

Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) is an essential test used for the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemias and other disorders of iron metabolism. Iron binding capacity is the capacity of transferrin to bind with iron. A high TIBC can be a sign of iron deficiency (as your body can try to make more transferrin to increase iron transport)

Iron Saturation

Flagship Exclusive

Also known as transferrin saturation, this is the percentage of your transferrin that is carrying iron, which is the iron that is readily available for transport to tissues. A low percentage may indicate iron deficiency.


Flagship Exclusive

Ferritin is a type of protein that most of our bodies’ iron is bound to. Ferritin can thus be used as a marker for your body’s iron stores. However, in the presence of inflammation, ferritin levels often increase higher levels are associated with higher incidence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)

Flagship Exclusive

ALT is an enzyme found mainly in the liver cells but also in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, and muscles. When the liver is damaged, ALT can be released into the bloodstream. Thus, elevated ALT levels are often an indication of liver damage, which now is most commonly due to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, though it is also elevated in conditions such as infection and alcoholic liver disease.

Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)

Flagship Exclusive

AST is an enzyme that is found in several parts of the body, but primarily in the liver. AST is released into the bloodstream when there is damage to the liver and is a biomarker of mitochondrial dysfunction in the liver. This is classically caused by alcoholic liver disease and liver inflammation due to numerous causes.

Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT)

Flagship Exclusive

GGT is an enzyme found in many organs, but mostly in the liver. It is a marker of reduced drainage of bile from the liver out into the intestines. Increased GGT has also been linked with depletions of your bodies own antioxidants (in particular glutathione), alcohol consumption as well as multitude of diseases and conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)

Flagship Exclusive

ALP is an enzyme present in multiple tissue types, mainly the liver, kidney, bone and intestine (and placenta in mothers). Most of the ALP measured in the blood comes from the liver and bone and vary with age in normal individuals. Disorders of the liver, bile ducts and bone can result in abnormal results.

Total protein

Flagship Exclusive

This is a measure of the amount of proteins circulating in the blood, which does not reflect the rest of the protein in our tissues throughout the body. Abnormal total protein levels often reflect issues of the kidneys, liver, and digestion.


Flagship Exclusive

Albumin is a protein made by the liver that functions to maintain osmotic pressure and fluid balance, as well as transports numerous hormones, vitamins and enzymes around the body. Abnormal levels can indicate poor nutrition or nutrition absorption, liver or kidney diseases amongst others.


Flagship Exclusive

Globulin is a group of proteins typically produced in the liver that play an important role in fighting infections and transporting nutrients. High or low levels may indicate liver disease, immune disorders, or nutritional problems.

A/G ratio

Flagship Exclusive

The albumin/globulin ratio compares the concentrations of 2 abundant proteins in our blood, albumin and globulin. There is typically more albumin than globulin in our circulation and imbalances may signify liver issues and inflammation.

Total bilirubin

Flagship Exclusive

Total bilirubin is a waste product from the breakdown of red blood cells that is secreted in the bile, measurements can inform us of disorders of the liver and biliary system as well as with abnormal breakdown of blood cells.

High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP)

Flagship Exclusive

High sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) is a biomarker of inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation is our body’s natural response to protect itself from injury, infection or harmful substances and is required in appropriate amounts for survival. While short term elevations can be normal, or even beneficial after intense exercise, chronically elevated inflammatory markers are associated with poor cardiovascular health and can be a sign of multiple diseases and ageing.

White blood cell count

Flagship Exclusive

White blood cells (WBCs) are key fighters of our immune system and protect your body from infection and damage. They respond to injury or illness by attacking infectious pathogens and stimulate healing through your body's normal inflammation response. White cell counts can fluctuate in response to numerous things, including infections (whether minor or major) or recent illness and should be interpreted together with long term trends (eg persistently high or low) and with clinical symptoms, if present.


Flagship Exclusive

Neutrophils are our bodies' most abundant type of white blood cell. Neutrophils are among the first cell types that are activated in the immune response, and play a large role in acute inflammation. Consequently, neutrophil levels on tests may fluctuate greatly in response to day to day insults to our body. Extremely low or high levels are often seen in infections or inflammatory diseases and conditions that affect production in the bone marrow.


Flagship Exclusive

Lymphocytes are an important group of white blood cells that are key for our bodies' adaptive immune response - how our body recognises and remembers foreign invaders so that future immune responses are faster and more effective. They include different types such as B cells, T cells and natural killer (NK) cells.


Flagship Exclusive

Monocytes are a type of large white blood cell that recognise and alert our system of the presence of invading infections and thereafter engulf (phagocytose) foreign particles and infected or damaged cells to remove them from your body.


Flagship Exclusive

Basophils are a type of white blood cell and are part of our bodies allergic response when exposed to foreign particles or allergens. Basophils release histamine which is the main driver of itchy and swollen skin, runny nose and watery eyes in allergic reactions.


Flagship Exclusive

Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell most often activated in response to allergic reactions and (less commonly in developed countries) parasitic infections. They are most often mildly abnormal in allergy-linked diseases such as sinusitis and asthma, but markedly elevated levels can be seen in rarer, more serious conditions.

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

Flagship Exclusive

ESR is a non-specific test measuring the levels of inflammation in the body. It can be elevated in a wide range of conditions, including immune diseases, infections or event tumours. While not specific to any single type of disease, ESR is useful when interpreted in conjunction with other tests.

Rheumatoid factor (RF)

Flagship Exclusive

Rheumatoid factor antibodies are produced by our own immune system that incorrectly target our own body, this is known as autoimmunity. Levels can be elevated in autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis or Sjögren’s syndrome for example, but also in some non-autoimmune conditions where there is long-standing inflammation.

Vitamin D

Flagship Exclusive

Vitamin D3 is made by the skin when exposed to sunlight and can be found otherwise in foods and supplements. Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium to maintain bone health as well as multiple other processes in the body. Deficiency has been associated with multiple disease processes including diabetes, heart disease, cancer and others, but the mechanism by which this occurs and causality has not been proven.


Flagship Exclusive

Calcium is an essential element for proper cardiac function, the structural integrity of bone, and muscular contraction. It also acts as a signalling molecule in many biological processes. More than 99% of the calcium in the body is stored in bone. Calcium is tightly regulated by the multiple hormones including vitamin D and parathyroid hormone.


Flagship Exclusive

Phosphate is an essential electrolyte which is found primarily in our bones and teeth but also in the rest of our cells in smaller amounts. It is regulated by multiple hormones, our gut and our kidneys and contributes to the function of bones and numerous cellular functions.

Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

Flagship Exclusive

TSH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. It stimulates the thyroid gland to produce and release T3 and T4. High levels of TSH may indicate an underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, where the thyroid isn't producing enough hormones. Symptoms may include fatigue, weight gain, cold sensitivity, dry skin, and hair loss. Conversely, low levels of TSH can indicate an overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism, where the thyroid is producing too many hormones.

Thyroxine (T4)

Flagship Exclusive

One of the two primary hormones produced by the thyroid gland (the other being T3, or triiodothyronine). T4 and T3 help control your body's metabolism, affecting things like your heart rate, body temperature, and how quickly you burn calories. Abnormal T4 levels can cause symptoms like fatigue, weight changes, temperature sensitivity, and changes in heart rate.

Cystatin C

Flagship Exclusive

Cystatin C is a protein produced by the cells in your body. When kidneys work well, they keep the level of cystatin C in your blood just right. If the level of cystatin C in your blood is too high, it may mean your kidneys are not working well.


Flagship Exclusive

Creatinine (not to be confused with creatine) is a chemical primarily produced in our muscle or taken in the diet. It is used to estimate kidney filtering function. As it is produced at a relatively constant rate, changes in blood levels of creatinine are more affected by the rate it is cleared from the body by the kidneys.

Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)

Flagship Exclusive

eGFR is a calculated estimate of kidney function - it estimates the rate at which chemicals are being filtered through the glomeruli (the actual filters of the kidneys). This is calculated based on levels of certain chemicals in the blood that should normally be filtered out by the kidneys.


Flagship Exclusive

Urea, also known as BUN, is a nitrogen compound produced in the liver as a result of protein breakdown and the removal of toxic ammonia from our body. Most of the urea is removed by the kidneys, and a small amount through the intestines. Higher levels of urea in the blood can occur when kidney function is reduced, but can also occur in dehydration or in situations where there is increased protein breakdown (from the diet or your own body).


Flagship Exclusive

Sodium is a major electrolyte in our body, and is essential for life. Sodium is a key part of many processes throughout our body, including cellular and nerve communication as well as maintaining fluid balance.

High sodium levels occur most commonly in dehydration where there is inadequate intake or too much water loss, while low sodium levels can occur if there is intake of too much water (dilution of sodium levels), with the use of certain medications and in diseases such as heart and kidney failure, amongst others.


Flagship Exclusive

Potassium is an essential mineral in our body and is the most abundant cation within our cells. As an electrolyte, potassium is required for survival and facilitates muscle and heart contraction, digestion, nerve signalling and regulates blood pressure and fluid status.


Flagship Exclusive

Chloride is a major electrolyte and is an important anion (negatively charged) in our body. It plays important roles in conduction of signals and processes throughout the body. Testing is useful in diagnosing the underlying causes of abnormal fluid levels or pH balances.


Flagship Exclusive

Measuring bicarbonate levels informs us about the acid-base and electrolyte balance of the body, playing a crucial role in maintaining our bodies pH. A wide range of conditions that disrupt the pH of our body can affect bicarbonate levels, including severe dehydration, kidney, liver, respiratory and heart diseases amongst others.

Urine microalbumin

Flagship Exclusive

This test measures the amount of albumin, a type of protein, present in urine. Albumin is normally found in the blood, and healthy kidneys filter out small amounts of albumin into the urine. However, in certain conditions, notably kidney disease, the kidneys may let more albumin pass into the urine.

Urine Full and Microscopic Examination

Flagship Exclusive

This test examines the content of your urine, and can identify if there is excess protein, cells, blood, chemicals or micro-organisms in the urine to diagnose a wide range of kidney, urinary tract and even systemic conditions.


Flagship Exclusive

Haemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the body's tissues. It's important to maintain adequate levels of haemoglobin to ensure optimal tissue oxygenation.

A low haemoglobin level is referred to as anemia, and can be caused by chronic bleeding (eg excessive menstrual bleeding), chronic diseases, and vitamin or iron deficiencies. Higher levels are most often caused by dehydration or erythrocytosis, a state of excessive number of red blood cells.

Red Blood Cell Count

Flagship Exclusive

The most common type of cell in the bloodstream is the red blood cell, which carries haemoglobin and is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Interpreting this test in conjunction with haemoglobin and other red blood cell metrics allows us to understand the health of our body's oxygen delivery system.


Flagship Exclusive

This measures the percentage of blood volume that is made up of red blood cells. Changes in the concentration of RBCs or alternatively changes in the volume of plasma fluid will affect haematocrit results. When one is severely dehydrated, there will be a higher concentration of RBCs compared to fluid (plasma) and haematocrit would thus appear much higher.

Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)

Flagship Exclusive

Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is a measurement of the average volume or size of red blood cells. This gauge is useful in assessing the well-being of red blood cells and in states of anemia (low haemoglobin), gives us important clues to identify the underlying cause. Optimal levels of iron, folate and B12 are commonly reflected by a healthy MCV, while certain blood disorders and chronic diseases can adversely affect MCV.

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)

Flagship Exclusive

Mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) measures of the average amount of haemoglobin per red blood cell. Haemoglobin is the protein that binds oxygen and allows red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body.

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)

Flagship Exclusive

Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) correlates the amount of haemoglobin with the volume of each red blood cell and can be affected by mineral and vitamin levels as well as systemic diseases. MCHC, when interpreted in conjunction with other metrics, gives us useful information on the health of red blood cells.

Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW)

Flagship Exclusive

Red cell distribution width (RDW) measures how much variation there is in the size of the red blood cells in your blood specimen. Healthy red blood cells are usually similar in size, and having too much variation can help us determine causes of red blood cell disorders.

Platelet count

Flagship Exclusive

Platelets are a type of specialised blood cell that performs vital functions in blood clotting, inflammation, wound healing, and host defence. These cells are instrumental in communicating with other blood and vascular cells when activated, and their activation plays a key role in triggering immune responses. Abnormal counts increase the risk of bleeding and clotting disorders, but can also reflect underlying autoimmune, blood and bone marrow disorders.

Mean platelet volume

Flagship Exclusive

Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) measures the average size of your platelets which, when interpreted with platelet count, reflect platelet health. It is important in determining the cause of thrombocytopenia (a low platelet count) or thrombocytosis (a high platelet count).

Fecal occult blood testing

Flagship Exclusive

Fecal occult blood testing detects microscopic blood in the stool. This can be a sign of a problem in your digestive system, such as a growth, polyp, or cancer in the colon or rectum.

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)

Flagship Exclusive

(For Men) PSA is a substance made by the prostate. The levels of PSA in the blood can be higher in men who have prostate cancer.

Cancer Antigen 125 (CA 125)

Flagship Exclusive

(For Women) The CA 125 test measures the amount of the protein CA 125 (cancer antigen 125) in the blood. This test may be used to monitor certain cancers during and after treatment. In some situations, the test may be used to look for early signs of ovarian cancer in people with a very high risk of the disease.

Lipoprotein (a)

Flagship Exclusive

Lipoprotein(a) or Lp(a) is particularly dangerous sub-type of atherogenic particle with an additional protein, apolipoprotein(a), attached. Higher levels of Lp(a) have been strongly linked to cardiovascular disease and heart valve disease, even when LDL-cholesterol (traditionally the “bad” cholesterol) is low.

Lp(a) levels are largely genetically determined (80-90%) and are elevated in about 20% of the population. As this is mainly controlled by genes, there is no need at this point for most people to do this test more than once.

Apolipoprotein B (Apo B)

Flagship Exclusive

ApoB is a protein that is found on all the cholesterol-carrying particles in your blood that are responsible for narrowing/blockage of blood vessels (AKA atherogenic). LDL particles are the most common type of these particles, others include VLDL, IDL and Lp(a).

ApoB testing measures the number of all atherogenic particles while LDL-cholesterol testing measures the amount of cholesterol inside only the LDL particles, which has been shown to be a more consistent predictor of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.


Flagship Exclusive

Insulin is the main (but not the only) hormone used by your body to regulate glucose levels. Even if your glucose levels are normal, if your paired insulin test levels are higher than expected, this means you are likely insulin resistant - your body needs more insulin to maintain a normal glucose level than a healthy person.

Insulin resistance can often be picked up even before glucose levels increase and is an early biomarker for metabolic problems, even before pre-diabetes develops.


Flagship Exclusive

Homocysteine is an amino-acid produced by our body that is important in many processes. High levels signify problems in metabolic pathways and are associated with multiple diseases including cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, cognitive decline and neurological disorders.

Vitamin D

Flagship Exclusive

Vitamin D3 is made by the skin when exposed to sunlight and can be found otherwise in foods and supplements. Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium to maintain bone health as well as multiple other processes in the body. Deficiency has been associated with multiple disease processes including diabetes, heart disease, cancer and others, but the mechanism by which this occurs and causality has not been proven.

High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP)

Flagship Exclusive

High sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) is a biomarker of inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation is our body’s natural response to protect itself from injury, infection or harmful substances and is required in appropriate amounts for survival. While short term elevations can be normal, or even beneficial after intense exercise, chronically elevated inflammatory markers are associated with poor cardiovascular health and can be a sign of multiple diseases and ageing.

Cystatin C

Flagship Exclusive

Cystatin C is a protein produced by the cells in your body. When kidneys work well, they keep the level of cystatin C in your blood just right. If the level of cystatin C in your blood is too high, it may mean your kidneys are not working well.

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol

Flagship Exclusive

LDL-cholesterol tests measure the amount of cholesterol carried inside our LDL particles that transport cholesterol and fatty acids around our body. It is used in existing risk prediction guidelines for heart attack and stroke.

However, studies suggest that this reading should be interpreted together with Apolipoprotein B levels (particle number) to get a full picture of one’s risk of cardiovascular disease.


Flagship Exclusive

Triglycerides (TG) are the most common type of fat in our body, serving as the main store of excess energy. This test measures the amount of TG being transported around your body in the blood (not the amount in fat stores) within particles called lipoproteins. The ratio of triglycerides to HDL is a measure of risk for heart disease and metabolic disorders, and at very high levels TG can cause immediate problems like pancreatic damage.

Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

Flagship Exclusive

TSH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. It stimulates the thyroid gland to produce and release T3 and T4. High levels of TSH may indicate an underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, where the thyroid isn't producing enough hormones. Symptoms may include fatigue, weight gain, cold sensitivity, dry skin, and hair loss. Conversely, low levels of TSH can indicate an overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism, where the thyroid is producing too many hormones.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol

Flagship Exclusive

High-density lipoproteins are smaller, denser lipoproteins that serve mainly to transport cholesterol back from the body to the liver for breakdown and removal.

HDL-cholesterol is commonly referred to us “good” cholesterol as studies have observed that individuals with higher levels of HDL have lower incidence of cardiovascular disease. However, having higher levels of HDL does not eliminate or negate the risk associated with high apolipoprotein B or LDL-cholesterol.

Total Cholesterol

Flagship Exclusive

Total cholesterol represents the concentration of cholesterol in all cholesterol-carrying particles in our blood. This includes the cholesterol carried in both atherogenic and non-atherogenic particles. Too much cholesterol in the atherogenic particles can increase the risk of disease, but cholesterol itself is not inherently bad, and is an essential part of every cell in our body.

High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP)

Flagship Exclusive

High sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) is a biomarker of inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation is our body’s natural response to protect itself from injury, infection or harmful substances and is required in appropriate amounts for survival. While short term elevations can be normal, or even beneficial after intense exercise, chronically elevated inflammatory markers are associated with poor cardiovascular health and can be a sign of multiple diseases and ageing.


Flagship Exclusive

Glucose is one of the primary fuel sources of our body. Your glucose levels are tightly controlled by your body and if elevated when fasting, show that your body may be having difficulty keeping levels within the normal range. This is seen in pre-diabetics (5.6-6.9mmol/L) and diabetics (>7.0mmol/L). Some degree of fluctuations in response to different types and amount of food, activity and illness are expected, but too much variation is not optimal.

Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c)

Flagship Exclusive

Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) reflects an approximate average of your blood glucose levels over the past 3 months. Glucose in the blood can bind to hemoglobin in our red bloods cells (that survive for about 3 months) and HbA1c measures this concentration of glucose-bound hemoglobin.

Uric Acid

Flagship Exclusive

Uric acid is a waste product of nitrogen-containing purines in the body. High uric acid levels are typically associated with gout, but less well known to many are its associations with high blood pressure, metabolic disorders and cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin B12

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Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is an essential vitamin found only in our diet, mainly in animal products, and is required for DNA and fatty acid synthesis as well as nerve health. Optimal B12 levels are required to maintain blood and nerve health.


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Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is a essential vitamin required for DNA and RNA synthesis. It is essential for the maturation of red blood cells and is found primarily in green leafy vegetables, fruits, and certain organ meats like liver. Abnormal folate levels can affect blood, cognitive and mental health.


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Magnesium has numerous functions in the human body and is required for more than 300 enzymatic reactions. Having optimal magnesium levels has been shown to have beneficial effects in various health conditions including diabetes, osteoporosis, bronchial asthma, preeclampsia, migraine, and cardiovascular diseases.


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This is a measure of the amount of iron in your blood. Iron is an essential mineral that is a part of hemoglobin, a protein in your red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body as well as numerous other processes in the body.

Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)

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Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) is an essential test used for the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemias and other disorders of iron metabolism. Iron binding capacity is the capacity of transferrin to bind with iron. A high TIBC can be a sign of iron deficiency (as your body can try to make more transferrin to increase iron transport)

Iron Saturation

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Also known as transferrin saturation, this is the percentage of your transferrin that is carrying iron, which is the iron that is readily available for transport to tissues. A low percentage may indicate iron deficiency.


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Ferritin is a type of protein that most of our bodies’ iron is bound to. Ferritin can thus be used as a marker for your body’s iron stores. However, in the presence of inflammation, ferritin levels often increase higher levels are associated with higher incidence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)

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ALT is an enzyme found mainly in the liver cells but also in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, and muscles. When the liver is damaged, ALT can be released into the bloodstream. Thus, elevated ALT levels are often an indication of liver damage, which now is most commonly due to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, though it is also elevated in conditions such as infection and alcoholic liver disease.

Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)

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AST is an enzyme that is found in several parts of the body, but primarily in the liver. AST is released into the bloodstream when there is damage to the liver and is a biomarker of mitochondrial dysfunction in the liver. This is classically caused by alcoholic liver disease and liver inflammation due to numerous causes.

Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT)

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GGT is an enzyme found in many organs, but mostly in the liver. It is a marker of reduced drainage of bile from the liver out into the intestines. Increased GGT has also been linked with depletions of your bodies own antioxidants (in particular glutathione), alcohol consumption as well as multitude of diseases and conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)

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ALP is an enzyme present in multiple tissue types, mainly the liver, kidney, bone and intestine (and placenta in mothers). Most of the ALP measured in the blood comes from the liver and bone and vary with age in normal individuals. Disorders of the liver, bile ducts and bone can result in abnormal results.

Total protein

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This is a measure of the amount of proteins circulating in the blood, which does not reflect the rest of the protein in our tissues throughout the body. Abnormal total protein levels often reflect issues of the kidneys, liver, and digestion.


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Albumin is a protein made by the liver that functions to maintain osmotic pressure and fluid balance, as well as transports numerous hormones, vitamins and enzymes around the body. Abnormal levels can indicate poor nutrition or nutrition absorption, liver or kidney diseases amongst others.


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Globulin is a group of proteins typically produced in the liver that play an important role in fighting infections and transporting nutrients. High or low levels may indicate liver disease, immune disorders, or nutritional problems.

A/G ratio

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The albumin/globulin ratio compares the concentrations of 2 abundant proteins in our blood, albumin and globulin. There is typically more albumin than globulin in our circulation and imbalances may signify liver issues and inflammation.

Total bilirubin

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Total bilirubin is a waste product from the breakdown of red blood cells that is secreted in the bile, measurements can inform us of disorders of the liver and biliary system as well as with abnormal breakdown of blood cells.


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Calcium is an essential element for proper cardiac function, the structural integrity of bone, and muscular contraction. It also acts as a signalling molecule in many biological processes. More than 99% of the calcium in the body is stored in bone. Calcium is tightly regulated by the multiple hormones including vitamin D and parathyroid hormone.


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Phosphate is an essential electrolyte which is found primarily in our bones and teeth but also in the rest of our cells in smaller amounts. It is regulated by multiple hormones, our gut and our kidneys and contributes to the function of bones and numerous cellular functions.

Thyroxine (T4)

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One of the two primary hormones produced by the thyroid gland (the other being T3, or triiodothyronine). T4 and T3 help control your body's metabolism, affecting things like your heart rate, body temperature, and how quickly you burn calories. Abnormal T4 levels can cause symptoms like fatigue, weight changes, temperature sensitivity, and changes in heart rate.

White blood cell count

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White blood cells (WBCs) are key fighters of our immune system and protect your body from infection and damage. They respond to injury or illness by attacking infectious pathogens and stimulate healing through your body's normal inflammation response. White cell counts can fluctuate in response to numerous things, including infections (whether minor or major) or recent illness and should be interpreted together with long term trends (eg persistently high or low) and with clinical symptoms, if present.


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Neutrophils are our bodies' most abundant type of white blood cell. Neutrophils are among the first cell types that are activated in the immune response, and play a large role in acute inflammation. Consequently, neutrophil levels on tests may fluctuate greatly in response to day to day insults to our body. Extremely low or high levels are often seen in infections or inflammatory diseases and conditions that affect production in the bone marrow.


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Lymphocytes are an important group of white blood cells that are key for our bodies' adaptive immune response - how our body recognises and remembers foreign invaders so that future immune responses are faster and more effective. They include different types such as B cells, T cells and natural killer (NK) cells.


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Monocytes are a type of large white blood cell that recognise and alert our system of the presence of invading infections and thereafter engulf (phagocytose) foreign particles and infected or damaged cells to remove them from your body.


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Basophils are a type of white blood cell and are part of our bodies allergic response when exposed to foreign particles or allergens. Basophils release histamine which is the main driver of itchy and swollen skin, runny nose and watery eyes in allergic reactions.


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Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell most often activated in response to allergic reactions and (less commonly in developed countries) parasitic infections. They are most often mildly abnormal in allergy-linked diseases such as sinusitis and asthma, but markedly elevated levels can be seen in rarer, more serious conditions.

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

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ESR is a non-specific test measuring the levels of inflammation in the body. It can be elevated in a wide range of conditions, including immune diseases, infections or event tumours. While not specific to any single type of disease, ESR is useful when interpreted in conjunction with other tests.

Rheumatoid factor (RF)

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Rheumatoid factor antibodies are produced by our own immune system that incorrectly target our own body, this is known as autoimmunity. Levels can be elevated in autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis or Sjögren’s syndrome for example, but also in some non-autoimmune conditions where there is long-standing inflammation.


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Creatinine (not to be confused with creatine) is a chemical primarily produced in our muscle or taken in the diet. It is used to estimate kidney filtering function. As it is produced at a relatively constant rate, changes in blood levels of creatinine are more affected by the rate it is cleared from the body by the kidneys.

Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)

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eGFR is a calculated estimate of kidney function - it estimates the rate at which chemicals are being filtered through the glomeruli (the actual filters of the kidneys). This is calculated based on levels of certain chemicals in the blood that should normally be filtered out by the kidneys.


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Urea, also known as BUN, is a nitrogen compound produced in the liver as a result of protein breakdown and the removal of toxic ammonia from our body. Most of the urea is removed by the kidneys, and a small amount through the intestines. Higher levels of urea in the blood can occur when kidney function is reduced, but can also occur in dehydration or in situations where there is increased protein breakdown (from the diet or your own body).


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Sodium is a major electrolyte in our body, and is essential for life. Sodium is a key part of many processes throughout our body, including cellular and nerve communication as well as maintaining fluid balance.

High sodium levels occur most commonly in dehydration where there is inadequate intake or too much water loss, while low sodium levels can occur if there is intake of too much water (dilution of sodium levels), with the use of certain medications and in diseases such as heart and kidney failure, amongst others.


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Potassium is an essential mineral in our body and is the most abundant cation within our cells. As an electrolyte, potassium is required for survival and facilitates muscle and heart contraction, digestion, nerve signalling and regulates blood pressure and fluid status.


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Chloride is a major electrolyte and is an important anion (negatively charged) in our body. It plays important roles in conduction of signals and processes throughout the body. Testing is useful in diagnosing the underlying causes of abnormal fluid levels or pH balances.


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Measuring bicarbonate levels informs us about the acid-base and electrolyte balance of the body, playing a crucial role in maintaining our bodies pH. A wide range of conditions that disrupt the pH of our body can affect bicarbonate levels, including severe dehydration, kidney, liver, respiratory and heart diseases amongst others.

Urine microalbumin

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This test measures the amount of albumin, a type of protein, present in urine. Albumin is normally found in the blood, and healthy kidneys filter out small amounts of albumin into the urine. However, in certain conditions, notably kidney disease, the kidneys may let more albumin pass into the urine.

Urine Full and Microscopic Examination

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This test examines the content of your urine, and can identify if there is excess protein, cells, blood, chemicals or micro-organisms in the urine to diagnose a wide range of kidney, urinary tract and even systemic conditions.


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Haemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the body's tissues. It's important to maintain adequate levels of haemoglobin to ensure optimal tissue oxygenation.

A low haemoglobin level is referred to as anemia, and can be caused by chronic bleeding (eg excessive menstrual bleeding), chronic diseases, and vitamin or iron deficiencies. Higher levels are most often caused by dehydration or erythrocytosis, a state of excessive number of red blood cells.

Red Blood Cell Count

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The most common type of cell in the bloodstream is the red blood cell, which carries haemoglobin and is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Interpreting this test in conjunction with haemoglobin and other red blood cell metrics allows us to understand the health of our body's oxygen delivery system.


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This measures the percentage of blood volume that is made up of red blood cells. Changes in the concentration of RBCs or alternatively changes in the volume of plasma fluid will affect haematocrit results. When one is severely dehydrated, there will be a higher concentration of RBCs compared to fluid (plasma) and haematocrit would thus appear much higher.

Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)

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Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is a measurement of the average volume or size of red blood cells. This gauge is useful in assessing the well-being of red blood cells and in states of anemia (low haemoglobin), gives us important clues to identify the underlying cause. Optimal levels of iron, folate and B12 are commonly reflected by a healthy MCV, while certain blood disorders and chronic diseases can adversely affect MCV.

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)

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Mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) measures of the average amount of haemoglobin per red blood cell. Haemoglobin is the protein that binds oxygen and allows red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body.

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)

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Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) correlates the amount of haemoglobin with the volume of each red blood cell and can be affected by mineral and vitamin levels as well as systemic diseases. MCHC, when interpreted in conjunction with other metrics, gives us useful information on the health of red blood cells.

Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW)

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Red cell distribution width (RDW) measures how much variation there is in the size of the red blood cells in your blood specimen. Healthy red blood cells are usually similar in size, and having too much variation can help us determine causes of red blood cell disorders.

Platelet count

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Platelets are a type of specialised blood cell that performs vital functions in blood clotting, inflammation, wound healing, and host defence. These cells are instrumental in communicating with other blood and vascular cells when activated, and their activation plays a key role in triggering immune responses. Abnormal counts increase the risk of bleeding and clotting disorders, but can also reflect underlying autoimmune, blood and bone marrow disorders.

Mean platelet volume

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Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) measures the average size of your platelets which, when interpreted with platelet count, reflect platelet health. It is important in determining the cause of thrombocytopenia (a low platelet count) or thrombocytosis (a high platelet count).

Fecal occult blood testing

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Fecal occult blood testing detects microscopic blood in the stool. This can be a sign of a problem in your digestive system, such as a growth, polyp, or cancer in the colon or rectum.

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)

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(For Men) PSA is a substance made by the prostate. The levels of PSA in the blood can be higher in men who have prostate cancer.

Cancer Antigen 125 (CA 125)

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(For Women) The CA 125 test measures the amount of the protein CA 125 (cancer antigen 125) in the blood. This test may be used to monitor certain cancers during and after treatment. In some situations, the test may be used to look for early signs of ovarian cancer in people with a very high risk of the disease.


Ask us anything about how Mito Health can help you live better, stronger and happier!

Who will have access to my results?

Your results are kept between Mito Health and you. Mito Health service providers, such as our blood testing lab, will have access to your results too.

Do I need to fast before my blood draw?

Yes, you will need to fast for at least 8 hours before your blood draw. Not fasting adequately might affect various test outcomes, such as insulin levels, glucose readings, triglyceride levels, and more.

Can I test for biomarkers that are not part of Mito's panel?

Certainly! Upon registration with Mito, kindly connect us at to make your request.

Does my health insurance cover Mito Health?

Mito Health operates without insurance, meaning no deductibles, co-pays, or unexpected charges. We are dedicated to price transparency, ensuring you know exactly what you're paying for. Although we don't accept insurance, our services are eligible for FSA/HSA reimbursement. Reach out to and our team will assist with the process.

How do you create the health optimization plan, and what does it include?

The health optimization plan is created by a medical doctor, augmented with AI, based on your blood work, lifestyle and family history. It includes recommendations on dietary changes, exercise routines, sleep habits, and supplements (where needed) to meet your specific health goals.

Do I need to prepare anything for these tests?

Certain tests may require specific preparation, like fasting for a few hours beforehand. We will provide all necessary instructions before you take any test.

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