MITO LONGEVITY: Holistic Health Screening

Assess & optimise healthspan essential biomarkers with personalised health solutions. A 20mins home blood test that can add years to your life.

Live like the healthiest people in the world. Unlock a personalised longevity cheatsheet to live, move & feel better.

Medical studies have proven that early health intervention can extend your life by 12-14 years^ with fewer physical limitations & improve your quality of life*.

We add years to your life, and life to your years.

A comprehensive health screening is a step in the right direction to live free of chronic disease and disability. By focusing on early detection & preventive measures, we can maximise our healthspan and enjoy a more vibrant and fulfilling life.

We are pro-healthspan for sustainable long-term health.

Supercharge your health on a cellular level with personalised recommendations based on advanced biomarkers, to sustainably optimise your diet, supplements & fitness for the long term.

Comprehensive full health checkup in Singapore.
Optimise your health with Advanced Biomarkers.

Measure your baseline health, key vital signs & screen for hundreds of health risks in 1 home blood test.

Your Mito Longevity Health Screening includes all of the following:

Baseline health check:

  • Height, Weight, Blood Pressure
  • Medical & family history
  • Blood, urine & stool analysis

Healthspan check:

  • Insulin
  • Hs-CRP: inflammation
  • Lipoprotein(a) 
  • Homocysteine
  • CA 125: cancer antigens

Vitamins & Minerals check:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Folate
  • Vitamin D
  • Iron 
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Phosphate

Vital organs check:

  • Heart
  • Blood
  • Metabolic and nutritional
  • Liver
  • Immunity
  • Kidney and urinary
  • Hormonal and reproductive
  • Muscular and skeletal 
  • Cancer detection

Trackable health report:

  • Personalised insights & recommendations. View demo.


  • Doctor consultation ($200)

Know your Mitochondria, the Powerhouse of your healthspan.

Test for advanced healthspan biomarkers in 1 blood test. View our full list of biomarkers, curated by Dr Ryan Ware, Co-founder & Chief Medical Officer.

Mito Flagship Health Screening Panel. Blood, Stool & Urine analysis.

Learn more about our biomarkers here and how they can help you to live longer & stronger.

Better health starts today.

Access cellular insights on our Mito dashboard to make the best choices for your health.

Optimise your health confidently with accurate in-depth insights of your biomarkers & personalised recommendations based on your test results. View demo.

Mito Health Dashboard with cellular insights based on your test results.

The best time to start taking care of your health is now.
Book your blood test:

How to book your health screening:

  • Step 1: Answer our health & lifestyle questionnaire* (10mins)
  • Step 2: Choose your blood draw location: Home or Trapeze Rec Club.
  • Step 3: Receive results online in 7-10 working days on the Mito Dashboard. 

Book now

Bonus: You can also refer a friend to earn $50 Mito credits & $50 off their purchase!

*Details of your known family history & lifestyle habits will be factored into the analysis of your health assessment results.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is your health screening claimable by insurance or company benefits?

  • Yes, our health screening is recognised by insurance & corporate companies as a health screening panel. You will be issued an official invoice which can be used to file a claim.

What do I need to take note of before my bood test?

  • You’ll be required to fast 8 hours before the blood draw. Plain water is allowed.
  • No strenuous exercise 12 hours prior to the test.

Do I have to fast before the blood test?

  • Yes, you’ll be required to fast 8 hours before your blood draw. Plain water is allowed. 

Do I have to give my urine & stool samples?

  • Yes, you will be required to provide urine & stool samples. Samples can be collected the same day as your blood draw, as the containers will be sent to you in advance. If you’re not able to produce the samples on the same day, they can be picked up on a separate arranged day. 

How long does the health screening take?

  • Just 15-20 minutes! We’ll collect your blood sample & key biometrics. Stool & urine samples can be collected on the same day or in a separate arrangement. 

How often should I do a health screening?

  • Doctors recommend at least twice a year, so you can also measure before & after any health interventions. 
  • Our health screening is also complementary to traditional GP & Hospital health screenings if you have already done your health screening for the year. Our test report offers more in-depth insights & tailored health recommendations. You can view examples of the insights on our demo dashboard here. 
  • Our panel of biomarkers not only extends your lifespan with early illness detection, but they also provide helpful insights to how you can feel & move better. Learn more about our biomarkers here. 

Why is health screening important?

  • Long-term health: Regular screenings can help you stay healthy throughout your life. By identifying and addressing potential problems early on, you can reduce your risk of developing more serious health problems down the road.
  • Early treatment is better: Many health conditions are easier and more affordable to treat when caught early. Screenings can help identify these issues before they become more serious and require more extensive treatment.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing your health status through screenings can be a big stress reliever. It allows you to focus on staying healthy and enjoying life.
  • Think of it as an investment in your future health and well-being. It's a chance to take control and stay proactive about your health.

I have more questions, how do I contact you? 

You can reach us at Whatsapp +65 8043 0289

^Source: Impact of Healthy Lifestyle Factors on Life Expectancies in the US Population
*Source: The Impact of Personalized Preventive Care on Health Care Quality, Utilization, and Expenditures

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