LucenceInsight: How it Levels Up Your Cancer Screening

LucenceINSIGHT™ is a multi-cancer early detection (MCED) tool that screens for the signal of multiple cancers in a simple blood draw. Find out how it works and how it compares to conventional cancer markers.

LucenceInsight: How it Levels Up Your Cancer Screening
LucenceInsight: How it Levels Up Your Cancer Screening
Written By
J. Hsu
February 16, 2024

TLDR: LucenceINSIGHT™ is a multi-cancer early detection blood test. From one blood draw, up to 50 common cancers can be screened.

Why Screen for Cancer?

78% of cancer deaths are not covered by recommended screening. Current screening guidelines only cover 5 out of the many types of cancers.


And if you catch cancer early, chance of survival increases by 4x. 

This sounds magical - how does it work?

Cancer is a group of conditions that arise due to uncontrolled cell growth; due to different mutations in DNA.

When cancer cells are present in the body, they release small DNA fragments into the bloodstream, known as circulating tumor DNA (or ctDNA).

If these ctDNA are identified in the blood, these cancer signals are amplified in the lab, and the different mutations identified to specify the type of cancer.

When a cancer-associated  finding is made, the machine-learning algorithm analyzes the data to predict up to 2 sites where the cancer signal might have originated from, with an accuracy of 88%.

LucenceINSIGHT™ screens for signals of cancer but does not diagnose cancer. If a positive result is found, it helps to guide further diagnostic testing for confirmation.

How does it compare to current methods?

LucenceINSIGHT looks for DNA fragments that tumor cells, if present, shed into the blood.

In comparison, conventional cancer marker tests such as CA19-9 or CA-125 look for the presence of abnormal proteins made in higher amounts by cancer cells.

Conventional cancer markers are more useful and accurate if the user already has cancer - they generally have high false positive rates when used for screening- the tests appear positive when an individual does not in fact have cancer.

Why? Abnormal proteins can be due to many factors other than cancer, such as smoking, inflammation, infections, or other benign conditions.

LucenceINSIGHT™ has a sensitivity of 80.9% and specificity of 99% - one of the highest in the industry. Ultimately, this test should be used to complement routine cancer screening tools offered by your healthcare provider to maximize cancer screening coverage.

Cancers covered by LucenceINSIGHT™

There are 50 cancer types covered by LucenceINSIGHT™ PLUS. LucenceINSIGHT™ covers the 12 cancers highlighted in orange.


Who is it recommended for?

LucenceINSIGHT™ is recommended in conjunction with existing screening tools for:

  • Individuals aged 40 and above without personal history of cancer
  • Individuals with elevated risk for cancer (eg, family history of cancer, diet, lifestyle etc)

Where can I get it?

At Mito Health, we specialize in advanced health diagnostics to test for 67 curated biomarkers - to form a science-based, personalized health plan to help you optimize your health.

We carry LucenceINSIGHT™ and LucenceINSIGHT™ PLUS as part of our member-exclusive add-on package - your results can be integrated with 67 other biomarker results, to give a holistic overview of your health.

Sign up for our flagship package today to take control of your health and your future. 

  2. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Global Cancer Observatory.
  3. American Cancer Society.

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