How is Mito different from other screenings?

Discover the Mito difference - advanced longevity biomarkers and a seamless full body health checkup experience just for the price of $499. Explore how Mito Health revolutionizes health screenings with advanced longevity biomarkers like ApoB and Lp(a). Discover our seamless, AI-driven health assessments and personalized health plans for optimal wellness.

Research in longevity medicine and AI advancements has been extraordinary. However, traditional health screenings have largely remained the same for the past decade. Mito Health brings innovation with advanced health diagnostics to revolutionise your health checkup experience.

Health screenings need to evolve - adopting breakthrough biomarkers for enhanced accuracy and seamless solutions that redefine your screening experience. 

And that’s our goal  - staying at the cutting edge of research and adopting a technology-first approach to ensure your screening process not only keeps up, but feels like a glimpse into the future of healthcare.

Advanced Longevity Biomarkers

Our goal is to provide the best-in-class, longevity-focused biomarker testing at the most accessible price point. Key biomarkers include ApoB and Lp(a), which offer superior prediction of heart disease over conventional cholesterol tests.

1. Longevity Cardiac Biomarkers - ApoB, Lp(a)

ApoB is a superior predictor of heart disease than conventional cholesterol.

Lp(a) is essential in understanding your inherited risk factor for heart disease.

In comparison, standard health screenings only include cholesterol due to institutions’ resistance to change despite overwhelming evidence for ApoB and Lp(a). But testing cholesterol alone is insufficient to give a holistic overview of your heart health.

2. Ultra-preventive Diabetes Biomarkers - Fasting insulin

Our testing includes fasting insulin, an early indicator of diabetes, even before glucose levels increase. Traditional screenings only test for glucose and HbA1c, but early detection through fasting insulin can prevent diabetes progression.

3. Vitamins and Minerals - Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folate, Iron 

Many people are deficient in Vitamin D, which is essential for bone health, immunity, and energy.

Our comprehensive testing includes Vitamin B12, Folate, and Iron, providing a holistic view of your nutritional healthMild iron deficiency can manifest without anaemia (low haemoglobin) - causing impaired exercise performance, fatigue and low energy. Testing for iron, ferritin, total iron binding capacity, and iron saturation can help detect mild deficiency before it impacts your haemoglobin levels.

Vitamin B12 is essential for neurological function, DNA production, and the development of red blood cells. Folate is key for DNA synthesis and repair, and it works closely with vitamin B12 to help create red blood cells and ensure iron works effectively in the body.

Standard screening providers often do not cover Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and iron biomarkers in depth. On a population level, the aim is to reduce sickness than optimise health - the cost of screening may outweigh the benefit. However, for individuals wishing to optimise their health, testing for vitamin and mineral deficiency is immensely useful.

4. Exclusive Biomarkers- Cystatin-C, Homocysteine

We offer testing for Cystatin-C, superior to creatinine in determining kidney health, especially in athletic individuals. Our comprehensive screening also includes Homocysteine, which helps assess the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, and dementia

Creatinine has traditionally been used to monitor kidney health - due to its low cost and easy accessibility. However, Cystatin-C is superior to creatine in determining kidney health in athletic individuals, detecting early kidney decline, and predicting heart mortality. 

We worked with labs to pioneer Cystatin-C testing in Singapore, to give the best for clients when traditional creatinine was not accurate.

Homocysteine is used to assess your risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, dementia and vitamin deficiency.

The research establishing homocysteine as a risk factor is still underway, but it has potential role in further mitigating risk if optimised and used holistically with other biomarkers. 

Comprehensive 67 Biomarkers

Our selection of 67 comprehensive biomarkers provides detailed health insights for your annual check-up, covering essential areas except for mammograms, HPV testing, and colonoscopy. We are expanding our services to include these in the future.

Health screening made seamless

We test for advanced biomarkers and revolutionise your health journey to be seamless, simple, and sustainable. Enjoy home-based screenings or visit our new oasis at Trapeze Rec Club.

1. Home-based Screenings

Screenings can be done within 30 minutes in the comfort of your home. If you prefer, screen your health at our new oasis, Trapeze Rec Club, in Tanjong Pagar.

2. Customised Risk Assessment

We understand your unique health goals, concerns, and lifestyle. Our personalised assessments, combined with your biomarker profile, provide actionable steps to achieve your health objectives.

3. Health Dashboard

Utilizing AI advancements, our health dashboard extracts key results from your medical report, presenting them in an easy-to-read format. Track your health trends and progress anytime, anywhere.

Explore our demo dashboard here.

4. Health Trends

The dashboard is able to track your results  - enabling you to chart trends and progress. Each year, Mito Health will schedule follow-up appointments to review your progress, make any needed adjustments to your plan, and re-check important biomarkers. 

5. Personalised Health Plans 

Our doctor-AI hybrid platform offers evidence-based recommendations for nutrition, exercise, supplements, sleep, and mental well-being. This ensures you know exactly which steps to take to enhance your health and achieve peak performance.

6. Member-Exclusive Benefits

With our Flagship Package, gain automatic membership with Mito Health, enjoying add-on tests at exclusive prices and invitations to longevity events and retreats.

Take charge of your health today:

At Mito Health, we specialize in advanced health diagnostics to test 67 curated biomarkers - to form a science-based, personalized health plan to help you optimize your health. Book a free discovery call to find out how we can help you achieve your health goals.

Written By
Mito Team
March 14, 2024
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Blood, stool and urine tests for in-depth insights into your health and longevity
Health optimisation plan incorporating supplements, nutrition, exercise and sleep strategies
Exclusive access to low-cost add-on tests and retests for one year
The information provided by Mito Health is for improving health and wellness only, and not to be taken as medical advice or medical recommendations.
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